4.0.0-beta protected15bd6212 · ·
beta release of 4.0.0 Many backwards incompatible changes, but they're mostly limited to new stuff, e.g. matrix decompositions, etc.
3.0.0 protected28225903 · ·
ComplexSchurDecomposition added (large-bulge multi-shift QR algorithm), Eigen API added + reworked, ComplexMatrix data structure optimized, Housholder, ComplexHessenbergDecomposition, ComplexQRDecomposition, etc.
2.0.0 protected6a2bfb1a · ·
Made the Jacobian function specification in the WeightedLeastSquares (and the impl. LevenbergMarquardt) architectures much more clean by simply removing the `dxs` spec. and the derivative spec. in the function classes and making the Jacobian directly specifiable
1.1.0 protected814fee24 · ·
Added some new methods to better expose the capabilities of DecompositionSolver and pointed the Matrix::solve methods at them (no functional changes), Added some configurable toString methods to NVector and NPoint No functionality changes
0.2.0 protected0a8aa907 · ·
Updated the build.gradle, next step is adding logic to publish to Maven Central!
0.1.0 protectedda1850f1 · ·
Contains initial collection classes, etc. (nearly) as it was used in production. Changes from production including minor restructuring, class name changes, and re-implementation of methods/classes that are not a part of this project and non-public. Likely future changes include further restructuring, and class name changes, and new features.