Hello there! 👋
I am a Programmer that likes to make open source projects and test random stuff!
🔭 I’m currently working on
I am a student, so I don't have any major projects, but in general, something random that I found on the internet and wanted to checkout
🌱 I’m currently learning
- Rust
- C++ / C, GO, Python
- Javascript / Typescript
- llvm
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on
- Open Source Cross Platform applications and libraries
🤔 I’m helping with
📘 Author of
- Rocket.Svelte.GraphQL Template
- For CAS, a the OngSearch
- The Cross Platform App Platform: Higenku
💬 Ask me about
- Fun libraries to work with
- C#, C++, C, Rust, Javascript, Typescript and Python
- Mongodb, CouchDb
- Linux in general (except ubuntu)
- containers
📫 How to reach me
- Send me an email at lmtr0@protonmail.ch
- Send me an email at lmtr0@outlook.com
Personal projects
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The Higenku Project
12:16 AM
Member since July 16, 2020