Fixed bug when there is a simple variable assignment in __init__ methods of classes.
scalable (floating) CSS design
Intelligent newline feature / docstring parser and several bugfixes for >=3.8.
several bugfixes which led to crashes
handling of multiple function and method definitions
lots of bugfixes and new options: IGNORE_ATTRIBUTES, IGNORE_PROPERTIES
docs for CSS designers
added documentation for developers (overview charts for the code)
small fix regarding INDEX_LINK_TEXT error when setting it to "None"
added project link and repo link options
class attributes support mostly done
added inheritance lists into docs
fixed bugs: crash when DOC_PATH is absolute; folders inside doc folder get replicated recursively into doc folder
doc design modifications and some code cleanups
added index
FIxed bug regarding comment being pulled into generated docs for global variables.
Small update of README.
first release: basic functionality