Provide a way of adding a description below title
Some of the sections need a description below the top-most header in each file.
Instead of running:
mod-ansible-autodoc --todo-title "### TODO" --actions-title "## Features" --tags-title "### Tags" --variables-title "## Variables"
I would like to run:
mod-ansible-autodoc --todo-title "### TODO" --actions-title "## Features" --actions-description "This is a description." --tags-title "### Tags" --variables-title "## Variables"
Which would yield:
This is a description.
#### Ensures Android Studio is installed:
* Installs Android Studio on Linux using snap
* Installs Android Studio on Windows using chocolatey
* Installs Android Studio on macOS using Homebrew
* Installs Android Studio on Archlinux, CentOS, Debian, Fedora, macOS, Ubuntu, and Windows
#### Ensures configured Android SDKs are present:
* Downloads a configurable list of Android SDKs
* Ensures Android SDK tools like `adb` are present in the PATH
Please implement this for all 4 section types.
If there are no entries for the section then the file should still show up as blank.
Please also create good documentation for this repository.
Edited by Brian Zalewski