1.1.2dce8a20e · ·
- Updating sampling for distributions, updating sampling for incomplete grids - Optimizing performance tuning - All instance of nchains were changed to njobs, including nsamples_per_chain -> nsamples_per_job - There is no recommended value any more for the number of samples per chain. It is advised to start with a small number and increase as needed to get satisfactory diagnostics. When no number is provided by the user, the default will be the minimum number set in rcparams.
1.1.1e138cbc5 · ·
- fixing bugs for incomplete grids + parameters following a statistical distribution - fixing bugs for GPU use - 1st version "officially" supported for GPU backend (mgris using PyMC using blackjax using jax using XLA to talk to the GPU)
1.1.019d5b7bc · ·
Major upgrade with potential breaking changes - core function for interpolation/integration within grid completely rewritten - more functions can now use jax as an accelerated numpy (when jax is available, it is not mandatory) - first version with (some) GPU capabilities (still in testing phase) for SMC and NUTS.
1.0.2a96b7c3d · ·
Main change concerns the statistical distribution of components (power-law, normal etc...) that now use a new, much narrower, scaling prior to match the grid values to the observations. Plots have also been improved.
1.0.11d2139c5 · ·
Fixed a bug for linear interpolation of post-processed parameters with incomplete grids.
1.0.0c70278d2 · ·
This is the first release of MULTIGRIS, tested with PyMC versions until 5.