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pglift v0.12.0

    Add 'instance logs' command and API to access PostgreSQL instance logs
    Add dedicated role "replrole" for replication
    Add 'instance promote' command
    Encrypt passwords using libpq
    Show commented parameters in 'instance config show [PARAM]'
    Prompt to restart the server when altering an instance
    Configure Postgres logging_collector to 'stderr'
    Add a --quiet flag to main CLI
    Add a hidden --settings option
    Add an (internal) 'site-settings' command
    Forbid many meaningless operations on standby instances
    Fix 'instance config {remove,set}' commands to preserve existing parameters
    Forbid to upgrade an instance to same name and same version
    Reduce the default value of effective_cache_size
    Do not try to start postgres_exporter if it is not enabled for an instance
    Display information messages in 'instance restore' and 'instance backup' commands
    Lookup for site settings in /etc/pglift or $XDG_CONFIG_DIR/pglift
    Document postgresql authentication methods
    Document standby setup
    Document how to override systemd units