0.3.0 protected14f38ad4 · ·
Dependency upgrades ### Dependencies - Kotlin 2.0.0 (8b17d5c4) - Compose Multiplatform 1.6.10 (8b17d5c4) - Kotlin Browser 1.0.0-pre.758 (e9e491c2)
0.2.6 protectedb28b7640 · ·
Compile-only debug mode, documentation improvements ### Lazy layouts - Create a debug mode (see the documentation for more information • !28) - Simplify the usage example in the main README (!29)
0.2.5 protected9d06f839 · ·
Bug fixes and documentation improvements ### Lazy Layouts - Allow specifying attrs for each item (!23) - Fix items not being key'd correctly (!23) - Document how items are indexed within a section (!23) ### Miscellaneous - README improvements with an example (#16, !21) - Various maintainability/readability improvements (!23) ### Dependencies - Compose Multiplatform 1.6.0 (c15e817f, !25)
0.2.4 protectedd0a811fe · ·
Dependency upgrades ### Dependencies - Kotlin 1.9.22 - Compose Multiplatform 1.5.12
0.2.3 protectedb88714c9 · ·
Good-looking demo ### Demo - Complete demo redesign (!15, !18, by @vincentmarques)
0.2.0 protectedd435941c · ·
Notice DSL mutability ### Lazy layouts - Recompose when inputs change (#9, !7) ### Build and deployment - Expose the demo on GitLab Pages (#11, !6) ### Dependencies - Kotlin 1.9.21 - Compose Multiplatform 1.5.11
0.1.2 protectedf5b25ca2 · ·
Load items individually ### Lazy layouts - Previously, items were loaded one section at a time. Now, they are loaded individually (#4, !3, !4) ### Documentation - Expose the documentation on GitLab Pages (see the badge on the project homepage) ### Contributions Thanks for @Lysoun for contributing the individual loading algorithm!
0.1.0 protectedc3918993 · ·
Migrate the project from the Decouple repository ### Lazy layouts - Create the LazyColumn and LazyRow composables