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- Support stacked-lines charts in the Dashboard (#400)
- The Panto server now monitors data presence from agents. If an agent stops sending data, a `missing_data` State will be set, helping identify issues in the monitoring. (#105)
- Agent list sidebar shows a spinning icon for Agents that aren't live
- Agent list sidebar shows a warning icon for Agents that require an update. Detailed Agent version info is available in the Agent settings dialog. (#413)
- Add an activity spinner to Save button in Probe Configuration screen
- Add tooltips to describe State and Alert types (#298)

- The time range control in the Dashboard page now supports arbitrary ranges, or shortcuts for common ranges (#401)
- Filter out "exotic" filesystem types in disk Probe (#421)
- Hide Checks without a linked ProbeConfiguration in Alert creation module (#416)
- Change interpolation algorithm in graph to avoid backward curves (#402)
- Enhance the graph density (#423)
- Enhance graph readability with thiner lines and points (#398)
- Disable Save button in Probe Configuration screen when all changes are saved
- Split tagged datasets into multiple graphs (#415)
- Display graph figures in their human readable format (#399)
- TLS probe reports duration-based result in nanoseconds, and not hours (!385)

- Fix copy-to-clipboard button, (e.g. in the Agent dialog) (!358)
- Fix issue that prevented the HTTP probe from appearing in the probe list (#425)
- Fix API errors when page_size was 0 and page_offset was not equal to 0 (#333)
- Graph links in the Pulse screen now navigate to the expected Target and scroll the expected graph into view (#354)
- Fix bug where it was impossible to save Probe Configuration and States changes, when State conditions were empty (#431 #432)

- Remove Check API name from the Dashboard page (#420)
- Remove tooltips on Agent name in the Environment sidebar (#406)