Setting override and/or custom formatters By adding a line to your settings.json, you can now use an 'unsupported' formatter, or just use different settings/args.
Add the unsetall command You can now run 'fmt unsetall formattername' to unset any settings using the specified formatter.
Big change to settings You will have to re-do your settings (which is easy with 'fmt setall formattername') As always, everything is in the CHANGELOG. Please read it if you have any questions.
Fix js-beautify and add more formatters JS-beautify was missing CSS and HTML support in the plugin, so those were added New language support: Dart, Fortran, and XML Adds: Dartfmt, Fprettify, and Tidy formatter support
Local config detection and new command First checks your local dir for a config, and falls back to our bundled one if none is detected. Only used for Uncrustify, for now. Also brings the 'fmt list' command to force settings to refresh without leaving Micro.
Changes formatter launcher to JobSpawn Also brings (theoretical) performance improvements. JobSpawn is the most cross-platform way to launch external programs, so this should work on all Micro-compatible devices. Hopefully...
Fix Windows support Also use a smoother reload after formatting.
Big upgrade, many things... Adds user settings into args (where possible), aka a couple formatters respect your tabs/spaces & indent size. Adds yapf formatter (python support). Adds php-cs-fixer formatter (php support). Adds uncrustify formatter (supports many languages).
Adds literal file extension detection The detection only happens as a fallback when Micro's CurView().Buf:FileType() fails.