v3.1.027692b7a · ·
Changes: - The output files for the gitlab format, will now be saved in the root folder of the repo. Otherwise they might not be found if the project is in a subfolder
v3.0.0546836cf · ·
Breaking Changes: - Input fields for before_script and after_script are now an array Changes: - Input field added to switch the folder before executing the scripts, in case the project is not in the root folder of the repo
v2.0.0d4148c64 · ·
Breaking Changes: - PHPCSFixer/PHPStan: Removed output_both option for gitlab/job output since it doesn´t work. - PHPCSFixer: Made a correction for the phpcsfixer job inputs - PHPCSFixer/PHPStan: changed the default config file name
1.0.0634f7be7 · ·
Initial release with CI/CD components for phpcs, php-cs-fixer, phpstan, psalm and phpmd