- Optional image digest in `Docker.Image` model. This will automatically be populated when an image object is initialized by the library. - The `Container` model now has an additonal member to represent the `Image` that container is running. - You can now automatically remove containers when they are stopped with the `removeWhenStopped` setting in `ContainerSpec`. - Added `Docker.inspect(image:)` API to get information about an image on the system. - Added `Docker.manifest(for:)` API to get manifests for image tags. - `Docker.info` not longer returns an optional object. - Pushing an image to a remove registry now returns the image manifest. - Images now pull by default if they are misisng when using the `create(_:from:pull:)` and `run(image:with:pull:)` APIs. - `Docker.Image` now conforms to `CustomStringConvertible`. - New API to remove Docker volumes. - `DockerHub.Image.architecture` now uses the `Docker.Platform.Architecture` data model.