- improve libli widget (preview, pinned profile, matrix client widget basic support for search params) - automatic set title mx send track www.youtube.com provider soundcloud, vimeo… - handle /{room_id,user_id} for libli routes page-profile - remove unused router function (incorect) - refactor to services/{sanitizer,widgets} for clarity - refctor libli widgets as (sub)routes and /widgets?type=<widget_type> - fix controls search input/submit (so support for guest user yet) - fix play next not finding an event (and looping an audio element) - add matrix-event/org.libli.room.message.track/form.discogs_url - add menu button access key `m` (FF: `M-S-m`), and title desc & `k` - rename libli-dom → libli-app - add liblib[debug] and libli.org##### (5#) for debug in css::pseudo