v0.9.0 protected7e7b02d3 · ·
### New Features - Set a retry on package/push jobs if possible #43 - Push release packages to nuget #51 - Enable Source Link #53 - Create a dev repository for connectors #50 - Enable push to connector registry for main branch #48 ### Bug Fixes - Replace cobertura report with code coverage #52 - sign stage needs powershell to run #49 ### Maintenance - Update code coverage windows image to .net 6 #47 - Update to work with .net 6 #44
v0.7.0 protected6db5c243 · ·
- Cache for jobs other than build should be pull only #29 - Use global stryker tool for mutation testing job #28 - Exclude designer files from code coverage #27 - Connector pack stage needs reductech registry for restore to work #26 - Connector packages should include all dependencies #25
v0.1.0 protected51627445 · ·
Initial release of the dotnet CI project, which contains the CI configuration taken from `v0.2.0` of [reductech/sandbox/templates/dotnetlibrary](https://gitlab.com/reductech/sandbox/templates/dotnetlibrary/-/tags/v0.2.0) - Add windows CI configuration - Add caching for nuget packages See CHANGELOG.md for more details.