Hello ๐๏ธ
I'm Sidney PEPO (also known as sysb1n) and welcome to my profile!
ใโน๏ธ ใ Basic information
My name is Sidney Pedro, but you can call me as Sidney PEPO or just PEPO and I'm also known by my nickname, that is sysb1n. Currently I'm 16 years old, I've skills in digital design & Red Team Pentest and I'm actually also Google Cloud Certified in G Suite and I've Cyber Security Foundation Professional Certificate (CSFPC). You can check those certifications in my LinkedIn profile (click in ใ๐ค๏ธใ My social media
to show it).
ใ๐๏ธใ My skills
Illustration/Image edition
Operating Systems
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My name is Sidney PEPO, but everybody calls me PEPO. I'm just a design and Red Team Pestest student and I L O V E code, hack and create some glitchy stuff!
Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
1:06 AM
Member since September 12, 2020