FIXED: [Metrics] specify timescale extension as v1 now pulls in v2 dependencies. [MySQL] 10.5.8 -> 10.5.9 "ALL" permission loses value in bitmask. CHANGED: [cgroup] revert previous group naming (without ".slice"). systemd management resets cgroup parameters on each reload requiring explicit declaration of parameters via slice unit file. [cgroup] delegate management to Dovecot/vsftpd/Passenger services. [fail2ban] replace backend with pyinotify on CentOS 8/Stream. [MySQL] increase max packet size to 50 MB. NextCloud upgrade compatibility. [PHP] stat presence of php-fpm to weed out pending builds. [PostgreSQL] improve durability of transient connection errors. [Tasks] stagger upcp/platform scrubs to avoid concurrent runs on same machine. REMOVED: [Summary] references.