- Updated buildState attribute on Dish Logger to report the name and version of the Dish LMC package - Updated EDA configuration - Developer docs enhancements which include: - Revised formatting - The addition of a notebook that walks readers through exercising dish pointing functionality - The expansion of the Dish LMC API to include the new release data retrieval interface - Added README with Taranta dashboard setup guide and screenshots - Added Dish LMC device version notebook - Upgraded ska-mid-dish-manager chart version to v4.0.0: - Updated `buildState` attribute to include version information of dish manager and subservient devices - Upgraded ska-mid-dish-simulators chart to v4.0.1 - Upgraded ska-mid-ds-manager version to v2.0.0 - Added actStaticOffsetValueXel and actStaticOffsetValueEl attributes - Updated band<N>PointingModelParams usage - Added `lastCommandedMode` attribute to record the last mode change request - Removed achievedPointingAz and achievedPointingEl - Fixed missing events from sub-devices on the event consumer thread - Exposed noide diode attributes from SPFRx: - noiseDiodeMode, periodicNoiseDiodePars, pseudoRandomNoiseDiodePars - Upgraded ska-mid-dish-ds-manager chart version to v2.0.0 - Changed OPCUA method call exception handling to handle all UA related exceptions - Updated to align with dish structure controller ICD v0.0.10 - Migrated remaining OPCUA method calls to use updated argument signature which requires session id - HealthState mapping triggered by CurrentMode and Application State nodes - Removed achievedPointingAz and achievedPointingEl attributes. - Added currentPointing attribute. - Updated the logic to use a subset of currentPointing for the achievedPointing attribute. - Upgraded ska-mid-dish-simulators chart version to v4.0.1 - Enable change events for SPFRx attributes - noiseDiodeMode, periodicNoiseDiodePars, pseudoRandomNoiseDiodePars - Return CommandDone for DS Move2Band if already in given band