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  • opticfluorine's avatar
    Revert the license change, keeping the code under the MIT License. · 5043fad3
    opticfluorine authored
    The intent of changing the license to AGPL was to promote an open
    community of indie MMORPGs, ensuring that no closed-source fork
    would come to dominate. After reflecting on this decision for a
    few months, however, I realize that I value truly free and open
    software more than the legal ability to enforce openness. While I
    see the value in the AGPL for e.g. technologies that might be
    adopted by a cloud provider, I no longer see a benefit - and
    potentially even see harm - in adopting such a license for what is
    a hobbyist game engine.1
    Revert the license change, keeping the code under the MIT License.
    opticfluorine authored
    The intent of changing the license to AGPL was to promote an open
    community of indie MMORPGs, ensuring that no closed-source fork
    would come to dominate. After reflecting on this decision for a
    few months, however, I realize that I value truly free and open
    software more than the legal ability to enforce openness. While I
    see the value in the AGPL for e.g. technologies that might be
    adopted by a cloud provider, I no longer see a benefit - and
    potentially even see harm - in adopting such a license for what is
    a hobbyist game engine.1
This project is licensed under the MIT License. Learn more