Sander Verweij authored
* refactor: migrate to esm - type: module && rename all modules to cjs * refactor: migrate to esm - transform to real modules * build(npm):
⬆️ esbuild, indent-string, wrap-ansi * refactor: migrate to esm - make API slighly more backward compatible & kick out the callback from the API * refactor: migrate to esm - adds a commonjs build artifact for backwards compatibility - BREAKING: The (deprecated) callback is gone from the API surface - BREAKING The minimum required version of node 14 has been bumped (note: those for node 12 & 16 remain the same)Sander Verweij authored* refactor: migrate to esm - type: module && rename all modules to cjs * refactor: migrate to esm - transform to real modules * build(npm):
⬆️ esbuild, indent-string, wrap-ansi * refactor: migrate to esm - make API slighly more backward compatible & kick out the callback from the API * refactor: migrate to esm - adds a commonjs build artifact for backwards compatibility - BREAKING: The (deprecated) callback is gone from the API surface - BREAKING The minimum required version of node 14 has been bumped (note: those for node 12 & 16 remain the same)
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