Version 2.0.0: working system on Void GNU/Linux There have been A LOT of breaking changes since the last tagged commit (90b190a). Not only have I switched away from Debian, but I have also transitioned to a full-time Emacs user. To that end, lots of standalone tools, like `newsboat' or `mutt' have been removed. The changes in outline: + A comprehensive config for Emacs is available. It encompasses, among many others, packages for email (`mu4e') and RSS (`elfeed'). I have also removed the entire MPD setup, replacing it instead with a simpler, more elegant solution inside of Emacs (`bongo'). + Tmux has been removed. Same with every program that is rendered obsolete by Emacs. + Vim stays but is not actively used. + Lots of old scripts have either been rewritten or deleted. + Other aspects have been considered anew, leading to the removal of `compton' and `dunst' configurations, as well as the replacement of all `dmenu' interfaces with `rofi'. + There now is a `xinit' set of configurations. The graphical session is launched from a TTY. The initialisation of the X server is automatic under certain conditions. This supersedes older settings that assumed the presence of a graphical Display Manager (e.g. `lightdm'). Despite these major reforms, I consider the transition to both Void GNU/Linux and Emacs a work-in-progress. I do, however, feel that the present state is robust enough to merit a tagged release.