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  • Christian Seidemann's avatar
    define static path for a target · 34c33d5c
    Christian Seidemann authored
    each target can have a target with a static path. the static path
    is excluded from the jwt authentication check
    why do we need this?
    It is useful for images, videos or similar which should  be displayed
    in the browser with the img or video tag
    please use unique names for the files with ids (uuids) which shouldn't have
    increasing names
    define static path for a target
    Christian Seidemann authored
    each target can have a target with a static path. the static path
    is excluded from the jwt authentication check
    why do we need this?
    It is useful for images, videos or similar which should  be displayed
    in the browser with the img or video tag
    please use unique names for the files with ids (uuids) which shouldn't have
    increasing names