FIXED: [Bootstrapper] Mitogen lxml module blacklist in software/imagick role. [Cgroup] Last named group in cgroup.controllers reports unmounted. [Cloudflare] Reading values from auth.yaml, use parameter if scalar value detected for "key". [Ghost] Update reports old version. [Migration] Mailbox conflict generates separate argument exception. [Opcenter] 6.x kernels may not expose device-mapper queueing directly relying instead on intrerogating slave members to determine underlying block. [Transfer] multiPHP unavailable on target server generates unhandled exception. [vfs] Apply missing PostgreSQL 16, PHP 8.3 Remi package hooks. CHANGED: [Bootstrapper] Restart PostgreSQL if needed for TimescaleDB extension update. [Cgroup] v2 default on all new installs. v2 reduces mount-point pollution with a monolithic controller per group reducing overhead on php-fpm service startup. [email] convert_mailbox()- invokable by user administrator. [Linode] Rely on 53/UDP for record lookups until 53/TCP access is restored by Linode. [php] Passing "null" to $version parameter resets PHP pool to system default. [Synchronizer] Terminate rpmdb processes to acquire a reader lock. [Webapps] Update best-match algorithm to prefer same major if an 8.x installer is requested but a 6.x installer is published after the last available 8.x installer. [Webapps] Rewrite meta initialization such that parseInstallOptions() sets meta, notifyInstalled() commits it. A separate call is no longer needed to initializeMeta() within an app installation routine. Likewise all callbacks registered will fire once meta is committed. REMOVED: [Discourse] GeoIP key no longer mandatory.