v1.5.1c71ef3e5 · ·
preamble: load Beamer font style professionalfonts - Without this, Beamer has a clash with the fourier font package, turning the output of \dot\gamma from γ̇ to overlaid γΩ, among other things.
v1.573ffd6cc · ·
Load mathtools, change font and add demo to content preamble: - Load the mathtools package. - Load fourier font. - Define command \bvec for bold vectors with an arrow over them. - Define paired delimiters \arcs as normal curved parentheses. - Define divergence operator div as \divop. subject-matter.tex: - Change the mathematics slide in subject matter to display the font. sources.bib: - Add samavaki--etal-2023 to references to signify where the new math came from.
v1.4.260799cab · ·
Added file set-pdf-version.tex to project root - Sets the PDF version before \documentclass is invoked in all main.tex files. - Loads the package luatex85, adding support for lualatex, when the package pdfx is used.
v1.4.1cca49236 · ·
Adjust link- and citation colors - URLs, anchors and citations are colored TAUPURPLE. Everything else is colored black. - To facilitate citation bracket coloring with \DeclareOuterCiteDelims, citation style was changed from numeric to ext-numeric.
v1.477def475 · ·
Add command \finalpage to preamble - Allows one to insert an unnumbered thank you -page at the end of the presentation, or anywhere else, really. - Has 1 mandatory input argument: the text that will be displayed on the page. - Also added a usage example to the subject matter file.
v1.3becf44cd · ·
Define background image and code commands in preamble - Background image setting command name is \setbackgroundimage. The command and the related frames need to be surrounded in \begingroup and \endgroup, if background image should not bleed into later frames. - Commands \code and \latexcommand were defined for inline teletyped text and for inserting a \ before \code. - Also provided an example for setting a background image in subject matter.
v1.2.1bf6de1d2 · ·
Adjust list item separation - Load package xpatch. - Itemize separation set to 1ex. - Enumerate separation set to 1ex.
v1.1.100a5f452 · ·
Change keyword separator and add Overleaf instructions - Change keyword separator in content/presentation-metadata.tex from \sep to a simple comma. - Add Overleaf instructions to main README.md.
v1.1ac25862b · ·
Add folder content/images/ to graphicspath - Added the folder content/images/ and placed it on \graphicspath, so that image inclusion is simplified. - Instead of a full relative path, if images are placed in the mentioned folder, an \includegraphics{image-file-name} should suffice to include an image into the file content/subject-matter.tex. - Also updated documentation related to this, and prettified existing documentation.
v1.0.12dcfb6ef · ·
Fix load order of package inputenc - Load the inputenc package with the option utf8 at the top of preamble. - Gets rid of a few warnings related to the packages biblatex and csquotes.
v1.204c5f474 · ·
Add more project-wide settings - Added the following settings into presentation-metadata.tex: - \mylanguage - \fourbythreefontsize - \sixteenbyninefontsize - \citationsettings - Load the babel package in preamble.tex, and use \mylanguage to set the language. - Set the font size in {4-3,16-9}/main.tex via the above fontsize commands. - Use above \citationsettings to adjust BibLaTeX behaviour. - Add some documentation to the start of relevant files. - Update documentation regarding presentation-metadata.tex in content/README.md.