v0.2.2a4553bcf · ·
v0.2.2 fixes compilation error with serde >= 1.0.101, along with fixing wrong field names serialized in types::inline_query::result::{Gif, Mpeg4Gif}.
v0.2.1ffc1b87c · ·
The 0.2.1 fixes a horrible typo in the `SendInvoice` method: `need_phone_number` was mistakenly typed as need_photo_number. This fix is a breaking change; but if you update from v0.2 to v0.2.1 and your code stops compiling, you had a bug anyway.
v0.24c7961ad · ·
`tbot` v0.2 brings several improvements, including: - Bot API v4.4 is now fully supported; - Reduced panics and added a warning when an update handler panicked. Also, v0.2 has a few breaking changes. You can find a list of merged changes with descriptions of breaking changes here: https://gitlab.com/SnejUgal/tbot/merge_requests?state=merged&milestone_title=v0.2
v0.1.2b1f1f762 · ·
The v0.1.2 release of tbot minimizes the breaking change caused by Bot API v4.4. The cause of the breaking change is `Message.sticker` reused for animated stickers, which use `tgs` instead of `webp`, yet old code will still see the animated stickers as plain ones. tbot addresses this by adding a separate handler for animated stickers while the old handlers for stickers won't be fired. Also, this release adds the is_animated field to types::sticker::Set. In the v0.2 release, this field will be instead replaced with an enum of sticker set kinds.
v0.1.15def6b49 · ·
The v0.1.1 release includes a bug fix of wrong parse mode serialization in multipart (!93).