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  • Fredrik H. Larsen's avatar
    Prepare v1.3.0 · 25c8823d
    Fredrik H. Larsen authored
    - Changed groupId from `` to `com.subgarden.airbrush`
    - Migrate to AGP 7
    - Now targeting API 30
    - Upgrade to Kotlin 1.5.21
    - Upgrade to Coroutines 1.5.1
    - Upgrade to Glide 4.12.0
    - Upgrade sample app dependencies to latest stable version
    *Since Bintray/JCenter is retired, artifacts are now published to Maven Central via Sonatype.*
    Prepare v1.3.0
    Fredrik H. Larsen authored
    - Changed groupId from `` to `com.subgarden.airbrush`
    - Migrate to AGP 7
    - Now targeting API 30
    - Upgrade to Kotlin 1.5.21
    - Upgrade to Coroutines 1.5.1
    - Upgrade to Glide 4.12.0
    - Upgrade sample app dependencies to latest stable version
    *Since Bintray/JCenter is retired, artifacts are now published to Maven Central via Sonatype.*
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.