Hello, I am a high-school software engineer dental student, from Hong Kong.
UTC+8 (Asia/Hong_Kong), normally I am available from late afternoon to night.
- hacking: newbee level
- blockchain: don't find me for that, also newbee, don't really like blockchain
- linux (~2 year of bare-metal usage), I use arch
- docker (used frequently)
- js/ts (quite very familiar, especially nodejs)
- web: react
- for server side I mainly use nodejs (ts)
- (still) newbee C++
- some knowledge in python>
Notable projects:
- metahkg: A forum that aims to be a fully featured alternative to lihkg (some 10 repositories that I have to maintain)
- safecantonese.ai app: offline app for transcribing cantonese audio files
- whatsbot: A heavily modified feature-rich fork of the original Whatsbot
- weather-predict: LSTM model to predict the temperature at Tai Mo Shan
Starting from the middle of 2022 I am suffering from fatigue every day, probably from both after-effects of covid and schoolwork, and as a result greatly reduced contributions (as you can see in my contributions map), also becoming too tired to build my own website as I have wanted to.
- Don't ever call me, there's a high chance that I wouldn't pick up
- telegram is ok
- discord: wcyat#0555
- join my discord server if you want!
- my public gpg key
Personal projects
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Hello, scroll down to see my bio. Happy to help.
The University of Hong Kong
9:31 AM
Member since September 05, 2021