Hi there 👋
🔭 I’m currently working on ansible/ansible by day🌅 and when the sun goes down🌇 I do all sorts of other FOSS things -
🌱 I’m currently learning CPython Internals and the basics of OpenShift -
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on improving the Python ecosystem around making GitHub Apps and Actions, packaging, testing, CI/CD -
🤔 I’m looking for help with getting more hours in a day -
💬 Ask me about Python packaging, CI/CD, pytest, creating GitHub Apps, GitHub Actions, Ansible Collections, CherryPy internals, async in Python 3, tox, Gentoo Linux, Git, code reviews, linters, maintaining the compatibility with legacy Pythons, dev env, burnouts -
📫 How to reach me: tweet -
😄 Pronouns: he/him -
⚡ Fun fact: wanting to "fix" a game got me interested in computers when I was 7 but when I got older I lost interest in games, worked in gaming for just 3 months and never looked back -
Oh, and also I'm a
My ramblings 📝
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Pronounced as: [sʲw(j)ɐtoˈslɑu̯]
Pronouns: pythonista · he/him 🇺🇦 · serial FOSS maintainer
Writes a lot of Python. Mentors pythonistas. Contributes to FOSS. Develops https://octomachinery.dev: GitHub Apps and Actions. This is me: https://github.com/webknjaz.