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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v1.1 Release: v1.1
    Release v1.1:
    1. First public release
    2. Add support for MISRA C/C++ (License purchase needed)
    3. Add support for Crosstool-NG with over 120 different embedded cross toolchain targets
    4. Add extensive CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS possibilities for more granular and safer software development
    5. Enhance, modernize and simplify Code Quality Report generation and improve it's maintainability
    6. Several small bug fixes and general improvements
  • v1.0 Release: 1.0
    Release v1.0:
    1. Supported cross-compiler toolchain targets CPUs/MCUs (selectable in Makefile):
         - X86 32-bit GNU/Linux
         - X86_64 64-bit GNU/Linux
         - ARM AARCH32 bare metal
         - ARM AARCH64 bare metal
         - ARM AARCH32 GNU/Linux (hard float)
         - ARM AARCH64 GNU/Linux
         - AVR bare metal
    2. Dockerised development environment
    3. Unittesting (CppUnit)
    4. Static code analysis (CppCheck)
    5. Coding guidelines (clang-format)
    6. Code documentation (Doxygen)
    7. Custom integrated code quality report