fix: - add refresh to now button in timeline page
fix: - fa/ft page responsiveness - need-help page responsiveness - display volunteers calendar on need-help page
feat: - create need help page fix: - planning card wording
fix: - display timespans and assignees on timeline tasks - more readable task title in timeline
feat: - display end period when timeline menu is open - display time markers in timeline page - display fa team and task priority in timeline page - add tasks filters in timeline page
fix: - copy personnal planning link alpha stage: - task timeline
fix: - add introduction page in pdf - add security page in pdf - display timespans on ready fts - display assigned volunteer on timespan selection - keep only validated FAs in signa export
fix: - add clearer task separator in pdf plannings. - forbid planning download for user without can-view-planning permission.
feat: - individual pdf planning - grouped pdf plannings
feat: - assignment stats page fix: - remove slice time in ft time window alpha-stage: - pdf plannings
feat: - show volunteer stats in orga-task calendar title - add task list in pdf fix: - avoir asking deleted user as friend - humans can always edit ft description