Jonas authored
✨ New *📂 Allow to configure folder for collectives per user (#275).🏗️ Fixes *▶️ Only initialize collectives folder if user has collectives (#238). *🌄 Various minor UI tweaks. Thanks to ya-d for suggestions (#271). *✏️ Improve edit button experience while loading editor (#268). *🔗 Open external links in new window. *🗣️ Fixed usage of german formal translation (#227). *📄 Ellipsise long page titles (#255). *⚡ Numerous fixes to the storage backend implementation. *🔎 Improve unified search experience (#277).🌎 Translations *🗣️ Slovenian translation added thanks to Matej U. *🗣️ Spanisch translation added thanks to larusalka. *🗣️ German translation updated thanks to Joachim Sokolowski.Jonas authored✨ New *📂 Allow to configure folder for collectives per user (#275).🏗️ Fixes *▶️ Only initialize collectives folder if user has collectives (#238). *🌄 Various minor UI tweaks. Thanks to ya-d for suggestions (#271). *✏️ Improve edit button experience while loading editor (#268). *🔗 Open external links in new window. *🗣️ Fixed usage of german formal translation (#227). *📄 Ellipsise long page titles (#255). *⚡ Numerous fixes to the storage backend implementation. *🔎 Improve unified search experience (#277).🌎 Translations *🗣️ Slovenian translation added thanks to Matej U. *🗣️ Spanisch translation added thanks to larusalka. *🗣️ German translation updated thanks to Joachim Sokolowski.
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