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  • Remmer Wilts's avatar
    Version 153 · 3f4fb9d7
    Remmer Wilts authored
    - API: Finish Lite ALPN (request and response style)
    - API: Optimization memory and performance
    - API: Slowly migrate API to be used for virtual threads [no/less completable future]
    - API: feat(ipns): refactored IPNS package with lean records (
    Version 153
    Remmer Wilts authored
    - API: Finish Lite ALPN (request and response style)
    - API: Optimization memory and performance
    - API: Slowly migrate API to be used for virtual threads [no/less completable future]
    - API: feat(ipns): refactored IPNS package with lean records (
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.