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Fix template logs flag verbose-packer

Maxwell Harley requested to merge t94j0/ludus:template-logs-flag-fix into main


/private/tmp/ludus/ludus-client > ./ludus template logs -h
Get the latest packer logs

  ludus templates logs [flags]

  -v, ----verbose-packer   print all lines from the packer log
  -f, --follow             continuously poll the log and print new lines as they are written
  -h, --help               help for logs
  -t, --tail int           number of lines of the log from the end to print

Global Flags:
      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.config/ludus/config.yml)
      --json            format output as json
      --proxy string    HTTP(S) Proxy URL
      --url string      Server Host URL (default "")
      --user string     A user ID to impersonate (only available to admins)
      --verbose         verbose client output
      --verify          verify the HTTPS certificate of the Ludus server

Update the flag ----verbose-packer.


/private/tmp/ludus/ludus-client > ./ludus template logs -h
Get the latest packer logs

  ludus templates logs [flags]

  -f, --follow           continuously poll the log and print new lines as they are written
  -h, --help             help for logs
  -t, --tail int         number of lines of the log from the end to print
  -v, --verbose-packer   print all lines from the packer log

Global Flags:
      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.config/ludus/config.yml)
      --json            format output as json
      --proxy string    HTTP(S) Proxy URL
      --url string      Server Host URL (default "")
      --user string     A user ID to impersonate (only available to admins)
      --verbose         verbose client output
      --verify          verify the HTTPS certificate of the Ludus server

Merge request reports
