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  • Cameron Nemo's avatar
    Clarify effective license · ef7a335c
    Cameron Nemo authored
    Code forges like GitLab and GitHub have been defaulting to LICENSE.0BSD,
    even though a notable portion of the code is GPL-3.0-only and thus the
    resulting brillo binary is effectively GPL3.
    Hopefully clarify that the 0BSD license is just provided for the
    portions of the code that are 0BSD.
    Clarify effective license
    Cameron Nemo authored
    Code forges like GitLab and GitHub have been defaulting to LICENSE.0BSD,
    even though a notable portion of the code is GPL-3.0-only and thus the
    resulting brillo binary is effectively GPL3.
    Hopefully clarify that the 0BSD license is just provided for the
    portions of the code that are 0BSD.
This project is licensed under the BSD Zero Clause License. Learn more