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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v0.21.1 protected
    pglift v0.21.1
        Load site settings in 'postgres' and 'backup' entry points
  • v0.21.0 protected
    pglift v0.21.0
        Add support for database-level extensions
        Allow to specify authentication method at instance creation
        Introduce SiteSettings class
        Shorten table of 'instance get' command output
        Add a dalibo.pglift.dsn_info Ansible module
        Make "instance" Ansible module also return "env" key
        Add dynamic documentation fragments for Ansible modules
        Properly handle missing runtime dependencies in Ansible modules
        Document settings fields
        Fix documentation of Database::owner field
        Fix, or add missing, descriptions on interface models
  • v0.20.0 protected
    pglift v0.20.0
        Show default auth settings in YAML in documentation
        Make password_command setting a list
        Fix local and host authentication reversed descriptions
        Improve CLI choices for options with multiple values
        Allow to specify character encoding value at instance creation
        Add error Ansible collection usage without pglift
        Add a --schema option to site-settings command
        Use CASCADE when creating or dropping extensions
        Log conninfo when opening a connection
        Template pg_ident.conf with 'surole' and 'sysuser'
        Document how to setup peer authentication
        Add Context.site_config() and Settings.site_settings()
        Use "peer" authentication for super-user in functional tests
        Do not log output from password_command run
        Make password_command setting instance-scoped
        Make prometheus.execpath setting required
        Catch invalid settings in CLI
  • v0.19.0 protected
    pglift v0.19.0
        Add support for "general" (non-default) privileges
        Do not log Cancelled exceptions when reverting an action
        Document that the empty {} in Database.settings resets all settings
        Add basic info for Ansible collection dependencies
        Alert on creating instance if pgbackrest configuration exist
        Improve interface model and CLI w.r.t. PostgreSQL version
        Ensure to include both letters and nonletters in password
        Expose data_checksums in instance description
        Add pgbackrest environment variables to instance env command
        Handle no-op in 'pgconf edit' command
        Rename 'describe' operations as 'get'
        Let 'instance get' command only accept one argument
        Let 'get' commands output either a table or some JSON
        Also query extensions for standby when getting an instance
        Allow to specify locale value at instance creation
        Implement replication lag computation for standby instances
        Add replication lag in Instance's standby description
  • v0.18.0 protected
    pglift v0.18.0
        Catch SQL programming errors in 'database run' command
        Hide 'apply' commands
        Do not try to create 'monitoring' role on standby instances
        Fail fast when trying to start/stop a non-existing postgres_exporter
        Restore missing shell completion of instance 'create' and 'alter' commands
        Check if pgpass file exists when testing if role is in
        Configure a psqlrc and its history through 'env' and 'exec' commands
        Prompt for restart if needed upon 'pgconf edit'
        Handle site templates for pg_hba.conf and pg_ident.conf
        Add --interactive option, complementing --non-interactive, in CLI
        Replace 'instance restore --list' command with 'instance backups'
        Prompt for confirmation of backups deletion upon instance drop
        Add support for instance extensions
        Implicitly depend on psycopg, to fix installation on CentOS 7
  • v0.17.0 protected
    pglift v0.17.0
        Require a minimal pip version for installation
        Add a note in Ansible tutorial about Python 3
        Prompt for instance restart after configuration changes
        Add an option in database list command to specify database
        Do not comment lc_* configuration parameters set by initdb
        Allow user to use pglift without postgresql installed
        Don't try to remove passfile if it does not exist
  • v0.16.0 protected
    pglift v0.16.0
        Show actual value for password fields in instance describe
        Add explicit start when dumping manifest as YAML
        Handle variadic INSTANCE argument in 'instance' commands
        Fix completion of 'instance' commands with no sub-command
        Set surole password at initdb
        Remove --surole-password and --replrole-password from instance alter
        Always set password when available in "role alter"
        Fallback to prompt for surole password when missing
        Show default action when prompting in CLI
        Add a --non-interactive command-line option to disable confirmation
        Prettify sizes in tables show in cli
        Mark read-only interface model fields as such
        Don't prompt for restart if the instance is stopped
        Add completion command to show auto-complete files
        Show backup stop date in `instance restore --list`
        Invite dev users to upgrade pip
        Correct command instance config to pgconf in instance logs documentation
        Clarify standby setup documentation about connection to the primary
        Mention linting, formatting and type-checking in dev documentation
        Document directory format instead of Custom format in pg_dump example
        Specify postgres version with --pg-version option in func tests
        Distinguish unit and func tests in tox and CI
        Use 'pg_version' fixture when it was missing
        Modify pre-commit commands to match tox configuration
        Require pgtoolkit >= 0.20.1
  • v0.15.2 protected
    pglift v0.15.2
  • v0.15.3 protected
    pglift v0.15.3
  • v0.15.1 protected
    pglift v0.15.1
  • v0.15.0 protected
    pglift v0.15.0
        Use dedicated role for monitoring
        Make 'instance describe' return standby metadata
        Turn the "instance" positional argument into a required option
        Guess INSTANCE for 'instance' commands when there is only one
        Display query result for "database run" command
        Display status message for "database run" command
        Fix message when updating passfile entry on port change
        Don't update the pgpass if port hasn't changed
        Ensure components are restarted when the instance is
        Add more logging information in non-interactive mode
        Add some clarifications to default privileges documentation
        Add note to tell user to install/enable prometheus in documentation
        Depends on psycopg[binary], simplifying installation
  • v0.14.0 protected
    pglift v0.14.0
        Lookup for postgresql 'site.conf' in package config directories
        Make 'pgbackrest' and 'prometheus' settings fields optional; from
         now on, instances are created with only PostgreSQL with default
        Add shell completion on instance identifier in CLI
        Rename "instance init" command as "instance create"
        Allow to display and edit session default settings of a database
        Rename the "instance config" command to "pgconf"
        Drop superfluous prompt about instance restart at creation or update
        Display a hint in case of PGCtl raise EnvironmentError
        Handle checking and enabling data checksums with older postgresql
        Better handle invalid site settings
        Comment all entries of postgresql.conf at instance init
        Prevent / in instance name
        Create postgres_exporter's queriespath parent directory
        Improve logging on password and passfile operations
        Require parameter for the "pgconf set/remove" commands
        Fix error for "pgconf remove" command with port parameter
        Drop (hidden) --settings option
        Ask for confirmation before instance drop
        Ask for confirmation before 'instance upgrade'
        Add a more log messages when configuring postgresql
        Add a gitlab-ci job to publish package to PyPI on tags
        Add a --no-plugins pytest flag
        Update documentation on release, now automatic
        Adjust Ansible tutorial w.r.t. to systemd and now optional components
        Adjust 'alter' command in CLI tutorial to highlight the "restart" prompt
        Adjust 'runtime dependencies' docs now that satellites are optional
        Improve documentation about installation of systemd templates
        Rework settings documentation
        Add a mini-tutorial in documentation landing page
        Adjust documentation for postgres_exporter Ansible module
        Rework "PostgreSQL configuration" user documentation
        Document the "pgconf" command
  • v0.14.0a1 protected
    pglift v0.14.0a1
  • v0.13.0 protected
    pglift v0.13.0
        Fix or adjust Ansible modules DOCUMENTATION block
        Improve log message from
        Drop CLI live displayer replaced by stderr logger
        Log system commands at DEBUG level
        Check that the target instance does not exist during an upgrade
        Replace positional arguments by --name/--version in 'instance upgrade'
        Require pgtoolkit 0.18.0
        Use LogRecord.getMessage() instead of possibly unset 'message' attribute
        Add a hidden 'pgbackrest' proxy command
        Call pgbackrest restore with --delta
        Use rockylinux instead of centos in CI
        Allow to enable/disable data_checksums on existing instance
        Allow to override data_checksums per instance
        Reload instance using pg_reload_conf()
        Adjust Ansible tutorial introduction
        Mention contributing documentation in README
        Document minimal requirements for contribution
        Add details on the test suite in dev documentation
        Improve documentation of 'instance upgrade' command
        Document runtime dependencies
        Document how to clone the repo in contributing section
  • v0.12.0 protected
    pglift v0.12.0
        Add 'instance logs' command and API to access PostgreSQL instance logs
        Add dedicated role "replrole" for replication
        Add 'instance promote' command
        Encrypt passwords using libpq
        Show commented parameters in 'instance config show [PARAM]'
        Prompt to restart the server when altering an instance
        Configure Postgres logging_collector to 'stderr'
        Add a --quiet flag to main CLI
        Add a hidden --settings option
        Add an (internal) 'site-settings' command
        Forbid many meaningless operations on standby instances
        Fix 'instance config {remove,set}' commands to preserve existing parameters
        Forbid to upgrade an instance to same name and same version
        Reduce the default value of effective_cache_size
        Do not try to start postgres_exporter if it is not enabled for an instance
        Display information messages in 'instance restore' and 'instance backup' commands
        Lookup for site settings in /etc/pglift or $XDG_CONFIG_DIR/pglift
        Document postgresql authentication methods
        Document standby setup
        Document how to override systemd units
  • v0.11.0 protected
    pglift v0.11.0
        Document database backup/restore
        Document how to use psql and libpq environment
        Add a how-to section about database maintenance in documentation
        Move installation documentation into the tutorials section
        Use dedicated role for backup
        Allow to create SUPERUSER roles
        Handle instances without postgres_exporter
        Use psycopg 3
        Catch psycopg OperationalError in CLI
  • v0.10.0 protected
    pglift v0.10.0
        Add 'instance env'
        Add 'instance exec' command
        Drop 'instance shell' command, replaced by 'instance exec'
        Drop 'database backup' command, replaced by 'instance exec'
  • v0.9.0 protected
    pglift v0.9.0
        Guess instance version when not specified in CLI
        Fix 'instance alter' command arguments
        Allow to configure a "password_command" to set PGPASSWORD
        Honor pgpass setting when upgrading an instance
        Add backup for database
        Also add stdout on CommandError in CLI output
  • v0.8.0 protected
    pglift v0.8.0
        Implement instance upgrade with pg_upgrade
        Make super-user role password configurable at instance creation
        Add support for running systemctl in --system mode
        Add 'instance config [show,set,remove,edit]' commands
        Add support for Postgres 14
        Add a CLI option to show program version
        Add a --log-file command line option
        Let all commands accept a <version>/<name> argument as instance
        Improve secrets handling and security in Ansible tutorial
        Create PostgreSQL socket directory if absent
        Unconditionally pass 'passfile' parameter to libpq
        Improve CLI live display, tables and messages, now including status and grouping information
        Improve error handling and streams usage in 'postgres' script
        Rename systemd unit templates
        Document systemd setup and operations
        Document how PostgreSQL authentication works
  • v0.7.0 protected
    pglift v0.7.0
        Log to stderr when starting postgres with systemd
        Handle absence of satellite components (e.g. pgbackrest) in operations and API
        Run tests with Debian bullseye and CentOS 8 in CI
        Add commands, Ansible module and Python API to manage a standalone Prometheus postgres_exporter service
        Stop the instance when dropping to avoid dangling processes
        Make 'instance stop' a no-op if instance is not running
        Drop --purge option from 'instance backup' command
        Set reasonable retention values for pgbackrest
        Reorganize the documentation into "installation" and "operations" main sections
        Complement the documentation with examples for all interfaces (CLI, Ansible) in all operation topics
        Drop settings unrelated to PITR from pgbackrest.conf
        Allow to start an instance in the foreground
        Allow to start postgres_exporter in foreground
        Move CLI runtime dependency into an extra requires section
        Improve logging in the CLI, adding colors, making log file path configurable, adjusting formatting