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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v3.7beta
  • v3.6.7
    Various bug fixes
  • v3.6.6
    * Fixed various bugs
    * Completed french translation
  • v3.6.5
    Fixed bug which caused error with just geotagged photos
  • v3.6.4
    * Better use of mouse wheel when zoom > 1
    * New shortcut: tab: toggles title and bottom thumbnails visibility (as in gimp, darktable)
    * Scanner code refactored for better speed
    * Fixed incorrect count of media
    * Fixed desappeared serial number from clusterized places
    * Fixed bugs with years < 1000
    * Many more bug fixes
  • v3.6.3
    Version 3.6.3: bug fixes
  • v3.6.2
    * Now using lazyload jquery plugin for faster page loading
    * bug fixes
  • v3.6.1
    * Added keyboard translation when image is zoomed in
    * bug fixes
  • bottomThumbnails
    bug with bottom thumbnails visibility
  • v3.6
  • dragAnyDirection
  • swipePinchDragOK
  • swipeOK
    nothing done with pinching yet
  • v3.5.1
    bug fixes
  • v3.5
  • MyPhotoShare3.5
    New version
    * Search is now performed by default in current folder, a new menu option permits to search in all albums
    * Months aren't numeric any more, localized month names are used
    * Better captions for date albums
    * Root album, the roots of the virtual albums and search results have their counters too at the end of the title line
  • OptionToSearchInCurrentAlbumOnly
    Option to search in current album only
  • v3.4
  • Myphotoshare3.4
    * moved scripts into bin directory. Create `scanner` as a link to ``. Added ``to create a default `album.ini` file in a directory.
    * add options `social`, `social_size` and `social_color` for tuning display of social icons.
    * modified options names to a more logical naming:
    * - default_album_date_reverse_sort -> default_album_reverse_sort
    * - default_media_date_reverse_sort -> default_media_reverse_sort
    * use Debian/Ubuntu system-wide JavaScript packages if available (you might need to run `sudo a2enconf javascript-common` on the server to enable the use of `/javascript` virtual directory).
    * added support for `uglifyjs` JavaScript minifier
    * new option `small_square_crops_background_color` for filling the background of small square crops
    * bug fixes
    * new debug option `show_faces`: lets the scanner show the faces detected (but read the note in `myphotoshare.conf.default`)
    * new option `face_cascade_scale_factor`: a parameter of `opencv`'s `detectMultiScale` function that detects the faces in the photo
    * UI cleaned putting sort and view switches to a hidden top right menu
    * user can toggle album slide mode, thumbnails spacing, thumbnails types, show album and media names, show media count, all with right top corner menu
    * the scanner manages more precisely certain option changes that require regenerating of `json` files, reduced size images, thumbnails
    * new option `slide_album_caption_color`: the color to use with album slide mode
    * implemented search function: media and albums can be searched by file name, title, description, tags; search may be whole word or inside words, considering accents and capitals or not; search works with non-latin languages (e.g. oriental languages) too, but whole word searches will possibly give no result; stop words can be used in order reduce words bloat
      * new option `by_search_string`: the string used for search albums
      * new option `search_options_separator`: the character used for separating search options from search string in URIs
      * new option `max_search_album_number`: the maximum number of search album that will be loaded
      * new option `use_stop_words`: whether to use stop words when generating the search albums
    * removed `server_album_path` option and hard code it to `albums`
    * removed options `respected_processors` and substituded by `num_processors` option, defaults to 1: better for the user, does not oblige to set the value
    * reorganization of documentation:
      * creation of `doc` and `doc/img` folders
      * `` split into individual files
      * explained how to use advanced features like geonames or face detection
      * created a gallery of screenshots
    * reduced images and thumbnail naming schema is now more robust
      * cache files names are now made of only lower case ascii characters
    * now photo metadata are read with three tools:
      * `Pillow's \_getexif()`, heritage of photofloat: good, but doesn't read the metadata of some old image
      * `exifread`: good tool, but crashes with some image which has exif data corrupted
      * `pyexiftool`, an `exiftool` wrapper: the most affordable, but the slowest
      The preference order for the tools is managed by the new option `metadata_tools_preference`
  • returnAfterSearch
    correct return after search