Projects with this topic
Ce projet est une implémentation du célèbre Jeu de la Vie de John Horton Conway en Rust, utilisant la bibliothèque graphique macroquad. Il permet de simuler une grille infinie de cellules avec des contrôles interactifs pour ajouter ou retirer des cellules, zoomer, se déplacer et lancer ou arrêter la simulation.
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Conway's game of life implementation in C with raylib
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Conway's Game of Life in the Terminal with Ratatui.
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An implementation of Conway's Game of Life in the Godot Engine.
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Simple implementation of Conway's Game of Life done as exercise.
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Conway's Game of Life with libcaca
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Simple unix terminal game of life viewer
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Implementation of Conway's Game of Life
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A Python implementation of the classic system Conway's Game of Life.
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Game of life in Netlogo
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Implementation of the Conway's Game of Life cellular automaton
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An OpenGL application (written in C++) that provides the user with either a 'Conway's Game of Life' Cellular Automaton, or a custom automaton of square cells. The user can set up an initial state and a delay in milliseconds and watch it evolve.