Projects with this topic
Library for TDDFT numerical simulations on HPC and GPUs
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PyMBXAS: Python-based Many-Body X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
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A simple plane wave density functional theory Julia code.
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A simple plane wave density functional theory Python code.
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Automatization for adsorbing molecules on surfaces and screening the different adsorption modes and molecular configurations.
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A web service that computes electronic and phononic band structures.
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Supplementary material to the E-PZ-SIC manuscript.
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A small collection of quantum chemical benchmarks for eminus with various purposes.
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A Libre library of customisable VHDL gate definitions and tools to help analyse, optimise, test and failproof digital ciruits.
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A simple plane wave density functional theory Julia code.
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Supplementary material to the Diels-Alder reaction bond perception manuscript.
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Optimize meshes for quantum chemistry calculations.
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A package for finding minimum energy path and transition state, for FHI-aims ( This project aims to provide an all-in-one package for various flavours of the chain of states methods for finding the minimum energy path(MEP). Currently the nudged elastic band method (NEB), the string method, and the growing string method are included. Originally developed by Yingyu Yao ( )
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providing automated workflow for materials simulation like electronic structure, md, fem.
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GPAW Tutorial with ASE, for surface catalysis and X-ray spectroscopy calculations.
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Files to reproduce the simulation contained in the Paper: "Control of spintronic and electronic properties of bimetallic and vacancy-ordered vanadium carbide MXenes via surface functionalization" - PCCP - RSC