Projects with this topic
This project is design to manage your budget in Google Sheet using Telegram Bot
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Money menedger bot written in python for Google Spreadsheets
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Internet marketing executive, internet service connection provider, publishing corporation, Digital adults publishing, Digital marketing and advertising industry, Digital media podcast broadcasting streaming games development business developer business Ownership Digital analytics program, IPV6 IPV4, LOCAL NET, INTERNET MARKETING FIR, SEPTEMBER, SEO AGENCY, SERP MASTER, SOCIAL MEDIA NETWORK, SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT
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Peer-Grading Tool is a plugin for Google Spreadsheets. It is intended for educational use cases where students should grade each other in a peer assessment process. The tool was kept simple and flexible to adapt fast when you need it.
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Wrappers around gpsread and slack API calls with python
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Workshop materials (2021-05) for building a simple R-based ETL / data pipeline with GitLab CI/CD and Google Spreadsheets
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Minimal R-based ETL / GitLab CI/CD pipeline, hooked to a private Google Spreadsheet with {googlesheets4} and the {poorman} package.