Projects with this topic
This is the front-end of my personal website built with Angular 13. It integrates Bootstrap, Angular Material, Prime Ng for styling. For complete tour, please visit .
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This microservice enables users to engage in group or individual chats. It utilizes WebSocket topics to manage and create specific chat sessions.
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This microservice monitors the power consumption of each device and uses WebSockets to send alerts to users in the web application when devices exceed their monthly consumption limits.
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This microservice handles all CRUD operations for devices and utilizes asynchronous communication through RabbitMQ to coordinate with the User Microservice, ensuring database integrity.
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This microservice handles user login and registration processes, utilizing JWT for both authentication and authorization. It is also responsible for performing all CRUD operations related to user activities.
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Project built for the "Software Design" module of the University of Zagreb's Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing. Goal of the project was to build a modern website service for tracking expenditures and revenues.