Projects with this topic
Woche 2 - 1. Projekt Vorgaben: JavaFX und Canvas um eigenes Projekt zu erstellen. Thema: Java Pub Quiz - Zur Bedienung bitte die ReadMe.Datei zur Hilfe nehmen.
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(THIS HAS MOVED TO GITHUB: The Excel to ODM XML Converter is a JavaFX program designed to convert Clinical Excel sheet data into ODM XML format that can then be uploaded to a REDCap database.
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Query by Example implemented in Java
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Materials del mòdul M07-Desenvolupament d'Interfícies del cicle formatiu de Desenvolupament d'Aplicacions Multiplataforma
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This project is a fork of the JMyOggRadioPlayer, which is originally hosted on Sourceforge, developed by homer65x (Christian Ehm) and licensed under the GPLv2. The origin project can be found at:
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Ohjelmistotuotantoprojekti kurssilla Javalla toteutettu opettajan työkalu