Projects with this topic
Enjoy your favorite TV and radio streams!
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La Bona Renkontiĝo kun Stela
Lernu organizi Esperanto-renkontiĝojn aŭskultante podkastojn!
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An internet radio using a Raspberry Pi with a numitron clock display
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Plugin to make WSJT-X transmit digital radio modes via high-frequency clock generator chips
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An internet radio TUI client written in Python, with recording functionality, using icecast data.
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Trabajo de laboratorio que enseña la metodologı́a para oı́r las muestras de radiofrecuencia tomadas a través de la radio SDR durante un perı́odo de tiempo. Pretende adentrarse en los sucesivos pasos que se deben llevar a cabo para obtener la información de una señal modulada en frecuencia (FM).
Materia: Fundamentos de las comunicaciones. Facultad de Ingenieria, UNLP.
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toolset to rip audiostreams, cut, fade in/out and tag the resulting audiofiles fadecut is a script to rip audio files from a livestream and to process them automatically. Beginning and ending fo the audio files will be cut and faded in/out. So logos and advertising of radio stations will be automatically removed. In streaming mode fadecut is ripping audio files using streamripper. The downloaded audio files are cutted using silence detection and then faded in and out. Subsequently, the files are encoded to either ogg or mp3 and tagged with tags (title, artist, genre and comment provided). In file mode fadecut is just processing already ripped audio files. An audio file which has already been processed is detected and will not be processed again. Not desired songs can be stored in a separate directory. This files are not processed anymore too.
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Echolink headless server installation and configuration for Raspberry Pi or similar Single Board Computers
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Attempt of a simple project to visualize a cheap chinese rfmeter
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Android study app for Russian radio license exams.