Projects with this topic
O projeto consiste em dois scripts que servem como base para complementar o fluxo da aplicação como um todo. Ambos os scripts são utilizados para facilitar e acelerar o processo de criação de quizzes e a ordenação das próximas palavras na revisão de um flashcard. São utilizadas bibliotecas como gensim e keras para a implementação dos scripts
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Application of Deep Learning methods to Time Series
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Text generation model based on characters from friends. Originally forked from
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Build a Bitcoin predictive model. (Inputs : Klines, Google Trend data. Future inputs implementation : Liquidations data)
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TensorFlow examples for Artificial Neural Networks course including: MLP with softmax output layer; MLP and CNN for MNIST dataset; CNN for CIFAR-10 dataset with data augmentation; LSTM with CNN layer for IMDB sentiment classification task.
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Build a seq2seq model (with/without attention) to learn normal trajectory of ROS-based robot, then use the trained model for detection with real-time input data. This project is going along side with other ros-based node for simulating cyber-attack.
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A natural language processing implementation on movie genre classification by synopsis.
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Time series classification to identify relapse / non-relapse after cessation of leukemia treatment
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The final project for the Data Science Lab course @DataScience Bicocca
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The codebase used to predict the growth of discussion threads on Reddit
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Executing infamous Deep learning algorithms + Neural Networks.
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A recurrent neural network that can recognize poker hands