Projects with this topic
Usefulls statistical fonctions and machine learning helpers found during my courses or lectures or exemples
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Run programs on ephemeral AWS EC2 instances.
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My personal webpage
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Packaging n improving Linux tools for preprocessing images and helping the scanning and digitizing AI ...
2023 AI-Languages updates for Sino-Korean and Tibetan (following 2020-21 works on Ukraine reports, and Arabic texts)
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Teamwork course project - Convolutional Neural Network for face image authentication
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Aggregated eBook Search Engine
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Crawler to save all images present on a website for machine learning, for example from google image search or instagram.
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Codemotion - Oracle Hack and Secure the Workplace Hackathon
HealthGuard is an API platform which uses Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning techniques to perform personal protective equipment and symptoms analysis for a Low-touch Economy
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[Experiment] Mask / filter your face while on a video call / browsing the web with a virtual camera.
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Lesson Markup Language (LML) is a markup language designed to easily create online lessons. It handles style and interactivity automatically while providing a simple XML based syntax. An example can be found here:
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Udacity Machine Learning Nanodegree
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