Projects with this topic
Mathe und Statistik beispiele in und mit Java
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Functions for creating parallel and cut cubic Bezier curves.
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Some code to import bibtex and manipulate. Currently only limited functionality based on personal use cases.
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A Mathematica package that manipulates scalar-tensor theories of gravity coupled to matter sectors into a format that can be processed by FeynRules.
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Class-like object for holding named parameters with uncertainty information in the form of a covariance matrix.
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maTHEMEatica is a customizable Dark Mode for Mathematica. It generates a custom stylesheet and (for Linux) colors the menu bars accordingly.
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Set of Mathematica modules (packages) for basic qualitative analysis of chemical reaction networks (CRN).
Project funded by Swiss National Science Foundation grant no. 141264.
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A package to flatten multivariate fit systems with a vector fit function (dependent variable / response) into a system with a scalar fit function for use in LinearModelFit or NonlinearModelFit.
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Creates vector polygons (filled curves) of text for use in graphics. Vector text dimensions use graphics coordinates rather than a printer point overlay.
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Plotting function for discrete values over a two dimensional grid. Same functionality as ListDensityPlot with InterpolationOrder->0 but with various improvements for when the data is in a regular grid.
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Collection of scripts for use in Fourier analysis. Includes 'zooming' resamples of DTFT with DFT and frequency finding in periodic data.
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An extension to the Mathematica HierarchicalClustering package with additional useful functions.
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Code for doing semi-numerical Rician analysis.
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Partial product for the course Graph Theory & Complex Networks at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
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A C++ library that speaks Mathematica. Mathematica++ (