Projects with this topic
The code simulates a ferromagnetic system based on the Ising model, which is a classic model in statistical physics. It uses the Metropolis algorithm for Monte Carlo simulations of how the system evolves over time at a specific temperature.
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Implementation of the Field(s)supported MultiPhase kinetic Monte Carlo (FsMP/kMC) method [,,].
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A computational physics coursework repository of:
Non-linear ODE solvers, Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM), Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC), Molecular Dynamics (MD)Updated -
Tools to explore the Potential Energy Surface (PES) for atomic and molecular systems and generate candidate structures for the local and global minima.
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Standalone aMC development repository, submodule'd to MESSy & caaba-mecca repositories (mirror)
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Monte-Carlo methods for physics simulation
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Bidirectional path tracer in Rust
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FE and FET Library Contains the FE and FET library for general use across a spectrum of applications and industries.
Supported by the ExaScale Computing Project under sub-contract 17-SC-2-SC.
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AI playing awale using monte carlo
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SampleSpace is a cross-platform library for describing and sampling from random distributions.
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Implementation of a classical Heisenberg model for arbitrary crystal structures using Metropolis MC. With isotropic exchange, single ion anisotropy (SIA) , Zeeman interaction, and two site anisotropy as energy terms.
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A Monte Carlo simulation of the Monty Hall problem
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Monte Carlo simulation of electron avalanches in Argon gas
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Modeling diffusion of interacting particles. Model based on the Mean-field theory approach introduced in Application to metal alloys:
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Example Bayesian Modelling Code Accompanying the Paper "Application of Bayesian Graphs to SN Ia Data Analysis and Compression"