Projects with this topic
O projeto consiste em dois scripts que servem como base para complementar o fluxo da aplicação como um todo. Ambos os scripts são utilizados para facilitar e acelerar o processo de criação de quizzes e a ordenação das próximas palavras na revisão de um flashcard. São utilizadas bibliotecas como gensim e keras para a implementação dos scripts
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Evaluation of various Machine learning models for sentiment analysis You are given the reviews dataset. These are 194439 amazon reviews for cell phones and accessories taken from Use the “reviewText” and “overall” fields from this file. The goal is to predict the rating given the review by modeling it as a multi-class classification problem. • Take the first 70% dataset for train, next 10% for validation/development, and remaining 20% for test. • Traditional machine learning methods • Design some good linguistic features. You can start with basic TFIDF features. Use these classifiers: J48 decision trees, SVMs with linear/RBF kernel, logistic regression, xgboost, random forests and report accuracy on test set.
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Machine Learning - Binary Classification (NLP)