Projects with this topic
Novimatrem's site of things and words. - License: code is GNU GPL v3, content is CC BY-SA 4.0
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Novimatrem's blog of words and things. - License: code is original license of projects I used (and/or GPL v3 for my own code), content is CC BY-SA 4.0
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untitled-batch-game-engine-old-abandoned - abandoned batch text-adventure-game engine alpha, written in Windows 7 flavoured Batch cmd script, FOR WINE ON LINUX. Abandoned, archived.
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bind the scroll-lock key (& a slk command) to MUTE ALL SOUND, MINIMIZE ALL WINDOWS, and TRIGGER THE LOCK-SCREEN. (Linux) - Licensed under the GNU GPL v3.0.
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Novimatrem's bedtime reminder script, for the going to bed at the right times. - Licensed under the GNU GPL v3.0.
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Talking clock script that speaks the time every hour. Requires espeak & paplay, libnotify-bin (notify-send), oh- and bash of course. - Licensed under the GNU GPL v3.0.
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Novimatrem's alarm clock script, for the waking up. (epilepsy warning) - Licensed under the GNU GPL v3.0.
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clearclipboard (ccb) - clear all clipboards on-demand, easily. (Linux) - Licensed under the GNU GPL v3.0.
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Replaces the default spritesheet for the ascii Map with a more readable contrasting one, as that works better with my bad eyes than the default one.
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clear-bash-history - easily clear all bash command history (up arrow keys), for privacy. (For Linux and Haiku)
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hearing-protector-65-megapack - Warn at and Limit PulseAudio MAX volume to 65%, to prevent hearing damage and ear pain. Licensed under the GNU GPL v3.0.
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Limit PulseAudio MAX volume to 100%, to prevent hearing damage/clipping Licensed under the GNU GPL v3.0.
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Warning sound if volume is 100%, to help warn against hearing damage - Licensed under the GNU GPL v3.0.
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Novimatrem's walking reminder script, for the going on walks often. - Licensed under the GNU GPL v3.0.
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noexif - clear all identifying EXIF data from an image on-demand, easily. (Linux)
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A bot inspired by, and other bots of the kind, by to spread pride and awareness, and for funnies - coded in bash, with xclip, wmctrl, and xbindkeys, for some reason, because I'm stubborn.
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A template script that you can run, that allows you run bash code, but only if you are specifically inside of the awesome wm. Licensed under the GNU GPL v3.0.
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xkill-keybind - bind Ctrl+Shift+X to 'xkill'
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Vulture for Nethack mod which replaces the default sprites for the custom-nameable 'fruit' which defaults to 'slime mold', with a bacon double-cheeseburger, as that's what I have it named in my .nethackrc.
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dvorak-qwerty-switch-keybind - switch to dvorak, or to qwerty, reliably- with a simple any-time key combo. (made this mostly for games that hate dvorak, or if friends come over.) - Licensed under the GNU GPL v3.0.