Projects with this topic
This project is a command-line-based banking system that simulates basic banking operations. The system reads user account information from a CSV file, allowing users to log in using their unique ID. Once logged in, users can perform transactions such as withdrawals, deposits, and transfers.
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Experiments With Core JAVA
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Digital Innovation One . mk-nascimento / Santander 2024 - Backend com Java / Desafio . Banco Digital
Criando um Banco Digital com Java e Orientação a Objetos.
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Route Optimiser - delivery service for a small bakery.
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Compiler Design (CD) final project.
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Geometry desktop application. Informatics Technology Institute. Used technologies: Java.
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The JavaFX Chemistry Helper project is a sophisticated educational tool built on the powerful combination of Java and JavaFX concepts. This application showcases the seamless integration of Java programming principles with the robust graphical user interface capabilities offered by JavaFX
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My Java advanced (OOP, functional programming, generics, IO, collections, maps, threads etc.) codes created during 10.06-6.08.23
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[UOC] A repo containing the various practices I'll work on in Object-Oriented Programming
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Program Kalkulator Bangun Datar dan Bangun Ruang sederhana yang dibangun menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Java dan menggunakan konsep OOP. Output dari program ini yaitu pengguna dapat menerima hasil perhitungan yang dilakukan.
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Spotifai merupakan sebuah program aplikasi sederhana yang terinspirasi dari Spotify, dibangun menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Java berbasis CLI, dan menerapkan konsep OOP.
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My answers to the Helsinki Java problems.
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