A comma-separated values (CSV) file is a delimited text file that uses a comma to separate values.
Projects with this topic
A small PHP extension to add/improve the handling of CSV strings.
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Collection of parsers and import filters for spreadsheet documents.
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Export excel workbooks within a folder as CSV files
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〽️ The eLxr Metrics project is designed to provide insights into the website performance and package distribution metrics. It tracks key indicators such as website view count and download statistics for binary packages📦 , presenting the data in visually informative charts📊 📈 .Updated -
This repository contains code that maintains a library lab tests and their mapping to Modus IDs.
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This is a python implementation to generate SEPA XML files from a CSV file.
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A shell script for searching for links on torrent sites
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Test handbook fork
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Compare two CSVs - with ludicrous speed. The fastest CSV-diffing library in the world
🚀 . Written in Rust🦀 .Updated -
Web App for French public Transit
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OpenML dataset: blood-transfusion-service-center https://www.openml.org/d/1464
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A way to communicate generic records via REST api, using csv as encoding
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OpenML dataset: 1DUltrasoundMuscleFatigueDataStudy1Of2 https://www.openml.org/d/43075
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OpenML dataset: polish-bankruptcy-3-year https://www.openml.org/d/42985