Projects with this topic
To-Do List for Extended Programming ITT3 by Gytis Valatkevicius UCL
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Binar Academy Full Stack Web Development Challenge Chapter 4 - Paper Rock Scissors game with JS DOM Manipulation
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Binar Academy Full Stack Web Developer Batch 3 Task - Chapter 4 - [OOP] Study Case Parking Area Transaction
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Binar Academy Full Stack Web Developer Batch 3 Task - Chapter 4 - [OOP] Study Case Gas Station Transaction
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Binar FSW Task - Chapter 4 - [OOP] Study Case Bank Transaction
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Tugas Project 2 semester 4
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An object oriented programming project with JS where you can add orders of a shop to a list where you can see the number o the order, the order's ID, the product it's been ordering, the quantity of product and some more.
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Dieses Gitlab-Projekt dient der Dokumentation und Überwachung des Fortschritts der Bachelorarbeit von Webdevelopment-Student Kilian Schmidt. Die Ordnerstruktur wird aufgeteilt in 3 Bereiche: Original, Weg1, Weg2
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This was project was to show my knowledge and ability in creating Object Oriented systems in Java.
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Individual customer account service project.
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Java console application which simulates production and distribution from factories to sales outlets within a company.
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Java console application which simulates employers and their employees. Demonstrates usage of: Modeling objects --- Reading/writing from/to .txt files --- Strategy design pattern --- uml diagram
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Java console application which simulates ordering system from various restaurants and delivering orders to customers.
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Dibuat menggunakan bahasa pemrograman OOP PHP MVC
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Build end to end online shop web app using php oop concept
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Sebuah aplikasi yang berguna untuk mengetahui jadwal salat
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