Projects with this topic
Simple command-line to-do list manager written in Perl
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Projet de todo list en VueJs fait en quelques heures pour l'IUT.
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A Fully functional todo app made as a code-challenge
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This application is built using Node.js and Express.js, with PostgreSQL as the database to store and manage the task list. The application leverages the CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) concept for task management
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A small project to create a todo app using Flutter/Dart
Updated - ~ react website for making todo list~
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This project is about creating a todo-list. It allows the user to create or delete tasks, and filter by all, to be done, and done.
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simple todo with simple cypress test .
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A somewhat elaborate todolist made with React, ViteJS, Bootstrap, and many others
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Todolist with Vue, Vuex, router
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To-Do List for Extended Programming ITT3 by Gytis Valatkevicius UCL
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Minimal self-hosted todo list forked from prologic/todo aimed at being modern and mobile friendly.